The Art of Manliness: Blog Review

The internet has been a place for discovering new knowledge, skills and entertainment since its creation in the mid 20th century. However, it can be difficult to find what you may be interested because of how broad the search range can be. Research is easy, but discovery can be difficult. Blogs make this searching process much easier. Each blog appeals to a certain audience, and allows people to find or sharpen a new skill or passion. In the case of The Art of Manliness, how to become a better and well-rounded gentleman. 

Image result for the art of manliness

The Art of Manliness focuses on a man’s “character, career, relationships, fitness, style, skills, and much more.”. Opinion pieces, podcasts, how-to’s, history lessons, and much more can be found on this site. Currently, there are four main sections that they cover: Get Style, Get Ahead, Get Strong, and Get Social. Each one focuses on various subtopics that all help the oldest men to the youngest boys learn something about what it takes to be a true man of today. 

Get Style

Style is often considered to be a feminine quality. Fashion for men can be seen as a thing for “softer” men, who do not really like the outdoors or the rugged lifestyle. Despite this, The Art of Manliness makes it a major focus of their blog. They want to make sure that whether you are a white collar worker in a big city to a lumberjack in the forest that you understand how to go above and beyond presentable when the situation calls for it. The pieces that are published revolve around getting a man presentable for a day, how a man should, and why he should. They have articles that seem like pretty common knowledge, but actually are not well understood. For example, how a men’s dress shirt should fit, how to make a new hole in a leather belt, or how to treat a shaving cut. It is helpful tips and tricks that separate the men from the boys as it relates to looking like a gentleman. 

My favorites:

How a Men’s Dress Shirt Should Fit

101 Style Tips for Men

How to Treat a Shaving Cut

Get Ahead

The “Get Ahead” section focuses on how to prepare for the future, whether it be on creating a budget or how to write an amazing college application. Many of the skills learned here are what cause guys a ton of anxiety or worry, at least for me. As a guy, I have felt the pressure of the “you will figure it out” response when I have a question about something, and with this blog I have been able to have a lot of questions answered for me. 

My favorites:

Tell Me a Little About Yourself

The 35 Greatest Speeches in History

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Get Strong: 

The most common of the stereotypes of men, of course, is getting huge. For just about everyone, muscles are subconsciously seen as a first impression of how much of a “man” a man is. You might think that I am going to say that The Art of Manliness disagrees with this statement, that you don’t need to have a strong physique to reach a true manhood. However, this is not the case. The blog’s third section is focused on simply getting physically strong. Unlike other strength and conditioning blogs though, which can seem extremely confusing or intimidating to the guys just starting out, The Art of Manliness pushes that no matter your situation, it is never too late to start working out. The pieces in this section helps explain how to balance strength and cardio training, what to eat, and even the rules to sports that may not be as well known. It helps the average guy ease into the necessary, interesting, and fun parts of fitness and sports. 

My favorites:

Which Fitness Program Is Right for You?

How to Breathe When Lifting Weights

The Complete Library of Rocky Training Exercises

Get Social

You know how earlier I mentioned that money is a major cause of anxiety and stress for guys? Well, the number one cause for guys of stress revolves around their love life. Whether dating, married, or just flirting, The Art of Manliness wants to set men up for success. Not just for one night stands or a cheap relationship. The blog wants to have men focus on becoming a true gentleman to become someone that the person that they are looking for it looking for. If you are a guy that is too nervous to ask for help because you might feel embarrassed or worried that you won’t find a satisfying answer, take a look through this section.

My favorites:

Why Teasing Is Good for Society, and for the Soul

Gut Check: Are You a Contemptible Person?

How to Give a Gift to a Women

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The Art of Manliness has helped me personally in a number of ways. From finding speeches to read in one of my public speaking classes to learn how to tie a bowtie before my first homecoming dance, this website will help set up any guy on the right path in many important areas of their life. It has worked for me, and I would bet money that it would work for you.

Author: Doug Keim

I am a senior at Georgia College and State University studying Mass Communications and Public Speaking. I am focusing on a career in digital and social media.

One thought on “The Art of Manliness: Blog Review”

  1. I really enjoyed your blog review. Although it doesn’t effect me the same way because I am a girl, it is really cool seeing how blogs are out there just for guys! You did a great job reviewing the blog and I feel like I have a good sense of what it shares and focuses on. I liked your summary of Get Style, Get Ahead, Get Strong, and Get Social and think it is so great for guys! I think it is really awesome to have such a helpful blog that covers so many different aspect a of what a guy goes through in their day to day. I know guys don’t always get that from their own Father, so it’s really great seeing that this blog still helps inform. #commcatz @kaitlin_bryan24 @scullyke12


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